═══ 1. Xit Introduction ═══ Select one of the following for more information: o Install and De-install o Command Line Options o Options Dialog o Registration and Phone Orders o Order Form (BMT Micro) o Order Form (CodeSmith) o Technical Support and Updates o CodeSmith Products o Credits Press ctrl-c for Table of Contents. Xit Copyright (c), CodeSmith Software, 1995, 1996. All Rights Reserved. Xit provides a one button click to many desktop operations, such as closing a window, displaying a task list, or copy and pasting text. Xit cuts down on the numerous mouse movements and keystrokes needed to perform common actions. For example, you can copy and paste text from any PM or DOS command line window to another window with just 3 mouse clicks and ZERO mouse movements. When first loaded, it adds a 'Close' button (X) on the left side of all titlebars and a 'LaunchPad', 'Task List' and 'Rollup' button on the right side. Folder windows also get 'Open parent', 'Open parent and close', and 'Sort by name' buttons on the right side. Pressing the close button does the same action as pressing Alt-F4, or selecting the 'Close' option in the system menu. All operations can also be assigned to the middle or right mouse buttons, or to keys. Buttons are completely configurable: display on left or right side, and assign any action to them. There are more than 20 available actions such as close, open parent, copy, paste and user defined (assign any OS/2 or DOS command to a button). The button bitmaps can also be modified. There is full support for PM windows and OS/2 or DOS command line windows. And finally, the feature you've been waiting for - bypass that pesky "are you sure?" dialog when closing a command line window. Also, copy and paste from a PM window to a DOS window using a popup edit menu, or copy in the reverse direction using the same menu. A new rollup action allows you to rollup and down any window, leaving just the titlebar visible. Handy when you want to remove a window without going through the hassle of minimizing it, then restoring it. A double click mouse action allows you to double click with a single mouse button or a single key. Handy for laptop users, and doubles the life span of your mouse buttons. You can also temporarily suspend Xits handling of the mouse and keys by pressing the alt+right_ctrl hot key. This allows you to switch between using the default action for a mouse button or key, or using Xits action. This hot key is a toggle. Pressing it once (low beep) disables Xit handling, pressing it again (high beep) enables Xit handling. ═══ 2. Install and De-install Help ═══ De-install You must first de-install any old copies of Xit before running the install. o Remove Xit from your startup folder or startup.cmd file. o Reboot - this is usually the only way to unload Xits .dll file o You can now delete the Xit files (xit.exe, xit*.dll, xit.hlp, (bitmaps.zip)) Install You must first de-install any old copies of Xit before running the install. See README.1ST file for non-English help. Files required to run Xit are: XIT.EXE, XITDLL2.DLL, XITTEXT.DLL, XIT.HLP. In addition, XITBMP.DLL is required if your screen resolution is 800x600 or less. XITBMP1.DLL is required if your screen resolution is above 800x600. Copy the files to any directory on a local drive. Insure this directory is in the LIBPATH statement in CONFIG.SYS or that the current directory is indicated (LIBPATH=.). It's a good idea to place a shadow of this program in the startup folder. Xit is now ready to run - no need to reboot. Xit does not modify CONFIG.SYS. When Xit is first loaded, it will add some titlebar buttons, redefine the middle and right mouse buttons, redefine the left and right ctrl key, and redefine alt+left shift and alt+right shift. The Xit main window will also display. You can now redefine or disable any of the defaults by selecting the Options button. If you are happy with the default button bitmaps, you can delete the BITMAPS.ZIP file - neither it nor its contents are required for operation. Also, you can delete the XITBMP1.DLL file if you only use a screen resolution of 800x600 or less. Or delete the XITBMP.DLL file if you only use above 800x600. If you wish to change any of the button bitmaps, see: changing the bitmaps. ═══ 2.1. Command Line Startup Options ═══ /NM - Force Xit visible (overrides Hide or Minimize settings). /S - Force Xit suspended. /Q - Quiet mode. Disable info/warning sounds. /W - Disable warning messages, such as 'Help not found'. ═══ 3. Options Help ═══ For more information on specific Xit settings: o Introduction o Registration o Titlebar button options o Clock and rollup action options o Mouse options o Keyboard options o Startup options o Miscellaneous options o Exception list options o Popup menu options o Actions (buttons/mouse/keyboard) o Changing the button bitmaps / Bitmap Contest When finished with the options dialog, press OK to save and exit, or press Cancel to exit without saving any changes. ═══ 3.1. Startup Options ═══ Hide/Minimize/Visible Selects the default action for the Xit window when loaded. If set to Hide, read the warning in "Appear in tasklist". Appear in tasklist If checked, Xit will appear in the task list (Window List). Turning this off will allow Xit to be hidden from task switching. Warning: If you set both Hide and remove from task list, you will not be able to access the Xit window from the task list. If this happens, press the right mouse button over any Xit button, then select "Show". You can also use the /NM command line option to force Xit to start in Visible mode. Suspended If checked, Xit will be suspended on startup. You will need to select the Enable button to make Xit active. You can also override this setting with the /S command line option, which forces a suspend on startup. ═══ 3.2. Mouse Options ═══ If the title of the mouse options says "Mouse Buttons: Middle", you can assign actions to the middle mouse button. If the title says "Middle not found", then either you do not have a 3 button mouse or you have the incorrect mouse driver loaded. Check System Setup -> Selective Install to install the correct mouse driver for your mouse. You can press the "Mouse button" to toggle between the middle and right mouse buttons. Enable mouse options If checked, Xit will redefine the mouse buttons according to the rest of the mouse configuration settings. If not checked, Xit will not use the mouse, regardless of the rest of the mouse settings. This allows you to quickly enable or disable mouse usage by Xit. You can also temporarily suspend Xits handling of the mouse and keys by pressing the alt+right_ctrl hot key. This allows you to switch between using the default action for a mouse button or key, or using Xits action. For example, press and release alt+right_ctrl (low beep) to suspend Xit handling, then press the right mouse button to send the right mouse button (RMB) to the current application - Xit will not use its RMB action. To re-enable Xit handling, press alt+right_ctrl again (high beep). To disable the beeps, use the /Q command line option. Action The action to take when the mouse button is pressed. For a description of the actions, see: Actions List User Command If the action selected is "User command", enter the command to execute in this field, followed by any options. You must specify the full command name (including extension), and include a complete path if the command is not in the OS/2 PATH variable. For example: view.exe cmdref.inf (if view.exe is in the path) c:\os2\view.exe cmdref.inf Note that the command shell (CMD.EXE) is not used to run the program. If you require the command shell (to run batch or rexx files), then use "CMD.EXE" for OS/2 or "COMMAND.COM" for DOS. For example: c:\os2\cmd.exe /c "c:\mydir\rexx.cmd" c:\os2\mdos\command.com /c c:\dosstuff.bat Note that quotes are used for CMD.EXE, but not COMMAND.COM. Run in background and Minimize If the action selected is "User command", then these checkboxes determine how the command is executed. If "Run in background" is selected, the command will run in the background. If not checked, the command will run in the foreground. If "Minimize" is selected, the command will run minimized. If not checked, the command will run in the default mode (usually visible). ═══ 3.3. Keyboard Options ═══ You can assign any Xit action to any of the keys listed in the Keyboard Keys section. These actions are not available when in a full screen DOS or OS/2 command line session. Enable key options If checked, Xit will redefine the keys according to the rest of the key configuration settings. If not checked, Xit will not use the keys, regardless of the rest of the key settings. You can also temporarily suspend Xits handling of the mouse and keys by pressing the alt+right_ctrl hot key. This allows you to switch between using the default action for a mouse button or key, or using Xits action. For example, press and release alt+right_ctrl (low beep) to suspend Xit handling, then press the right ctrl key to send it to the current application - Xit will not use its right ctrl action. To re-enable Xit handling, press alt+right_ctrl again (high beep). To disable the beeps, use the /Q command line option. Action The action to take when the key is pressed/released. If the action is set to "", the key will not be translated into an action. Note that the action will not occur if the key is used in conjunction with another. For example, pressing, then releasing the left control key alone will activate the action assigned to it. But pressing the left control, then another key (such as 's'), then releasing the left control, will bypass the action assigned to the control key and will send 'ctrl+s' to the active window. The 'User command' action is not available for the keys. For a description of the actions, see: Actions List ═══ 3.4. Titlebar Button Options ═══ Enable titlebar button options If checked, Xit will use titlebar buttons according to the rest of the configuration settings. If not checked, Xit will not use titlebar buttons, regardless of the rest of the button settings. This allows you to quickly enable or disable titlebar buttons by Xit. Left/Right Positions the button either on the left side of the title bar or on the right side. Action The action to take when the button is pressed. You can quickly access an action by pressing the first character of the action. For example, pressing 'M' selects the Move action, and pressing '<' selects the action. For a description of the actions, see: Actions List User Command If the action selected is "User command", enter the command to execute in this field, followed by any options. You must specify the full command name (including extension), and include a complete path if the command is not in the OS/2 PATH variable. For example: view.exe cmdref.inf (if view.exe is in the path) c:\os2\view.exe cmdref.inf Note that the command shell (CMD.EXE) is not used to run the program. If you require the command shell (to run batch or rexx files), use "CMD.EXE" for OS/2 or "COMMAND.COM" for DOS. For example: c:\os2\cmd.exe /c "c:\mydir\rexx.cmd" c:\os2\mdos\command.com /c c:\dosstuff.bat Note that quotes are used for CMD.EXE, but not COMMAND.COM. If you just require an OS/2 or DOS command line window, use: c:\os2\cmd.exe c:\os2\mdos\command.com Run in background and Minimize If the action selected is "User command", then these checkboxes determine how the command is executed. If "Run in background" is selected, the command will run in the background. If not checked, the command will run in the foreground. If "Minimize" is selected, the command will run minimized. If not checked, the command will run in the default mode (usually visible). ═══ 3.5. Clock and Rollup Action Options ═══ Enable clock If checked, a clock is displayed on the right side of the titlebar. Show seconds If checked, seconds will be displayed on the clock. Show date If checked, the current date is displayed on the clock. Show AM/PM If checked and your system country settings are for a 12 hour clock, then the time will be appended with AM or PM. 3D border If checked, a 3D border is displayed around the clock. If clock flicker occurs (usually on slow systems), disable this. Auto rolldown when window is actived If checked, then a background window - if currently rolled up - will automatically roll down when it is moved to the foreground (made active). Auto rolldown when window is closed If checked, then a window will unroll itself when closed (if currently rolled up). Always auto rolldown folder window when closed If checked, then folders will always unroll itself when closed, regardless of the previous field setting. ═══ 3.6. Miscellaneous Options ═══ Bypass close confirmation on dos cmd window If checked, then when you close a DOS or OS/2 command line window with Xits close action, you will not be prompted with the confirmation dialog that says "Do you want to close the session without saving your data?". Warning: If you use this, make sure you exit any active program in the DOS window before closing it, otherwise you may lose data. Bypass shutdown confirmation when shutting down If checked, then when you shutdown the OS/2 system, you will not be prompted with the WorkPlace Shell confirmation dialog that says "Are you sure that you want to close all windows and active programs and shutdown your system?". Number of minimum pels in titlebar This number determines the minimum amount of titlebar space (in pels or pixels) that all titlebars should have when Xit is adding buttons to a new window. If the Xit buttons cannot all fit, they will be added until only the minimum amount of free pels in the titlebar remains. Default: 30 ═══ 3.7. Exception List ═══ The exception list is used to allow compatibility with other programs that do not work with Xit. If you find that a program hangs or exhibits bizarre behaviour when Xit is active, you can have Xit ignore the program by entering its filename in the exception list. Up to 30 filenames can be entered. When entering the filename, you need only enter the root name, without the path or extension. For example, the file C:\SUBDIR\CRASH.EXE would be entered as 'CRASH' in the list. Note that program names are case sensitive. For FAT filesystems, all filenames must be entered in uppercase. For HPFS, filenames are almost always in uppercase, but in rare cases it might be lower case. To determine the correct filename, press the right mouse button over the program object and select 'Settings' ('Open -> Settings' for OS/2 2.x). Under the 'Program' tab, the field 'Path and filename' contains the filename of the program. Only PM programs can be entered in this list. Windows and DOS or OS/2 command line windows cannot be used in this list. The exception list only applies for Xits titlebar buttons, and not mouse or keyboard redefinitions. The default list contains programs that are known to have problems with Xit. If you do not have any of the programs listed, you can remove them from the list to speed up performance. The default list is: DIRMAN20 Directory Manager/PM 2.01F. Crashes when changing directories. ACS3EINI Communications Manager/2 module. Sys3175 error occurs on startup, resulting in CM/2 shutting down. V.EXE Netcomber beta. Causes Netcomber error dialogs to popup. NOTES Lotus Notes. Sometimes dies when a Notes database is opened. 123G Lotus 1-2-3. Sys3175 error occurs on startup. AMIPRO Lotus AmiPro. Sys3175 error occurs on startup or on closing. Suggest you upgrade to WordPro, which does work. FLG.EXE Lotus Freelance. Sys3175 error occurs on startup. OS2TRANS Lotus file converter. Locks up when Xit function accessed. FILESTAR FileStar/2 1.00.2. Sys3175 error occurs on startup. MWMOS2 MWave Modem. DISCAPP MWave Discrimator. BOOKMAKR BookMaker 2.0, and other programs using Visual Rexx (VROBJ.DLL) ═══ 3.8. Popup Menu Options ═══ The popup menus for the edit and folder menu actions can be tailored to your needs. Simply check which menu items you would like to appear on the menus. Enable this menu If checked, Xit will allow the popup menu according to the rest of the menu settings. If not checked, Xit will not use the popup menu, regardless of the rest of the menu settings. This allows you to quickly enable or disable a popup menu. Changing the popup menu contents You can customize the content of the popup menus by checking the items which you want to appear in the menu. Items checked will be used in the menu, if applicable. For example, the Paste edit menu option will appear if checked and the current field allows pasting. Popup menu over these PM areas Check each PM control type that you wish the menu to popup over. For example, if you do not want the edit menu to popup when the mouse cursor is over the titlebar, uncheck the 'Titlebar' option. If you want the edit menu to popup only over Dos command line sessions, and not PM sessions, then clear all the checkboxes. A static control is text usually found in a dialog box by itself (i.e. not on a button) that cannot be edited (but can be copied). ═══ 3.9. Actions for Buttons, Mouse or Keyboard ═══ No action. Close window Closes the window. Same as pressing Alt-F4 or selecting the Cancel action in a dialog. (close.bmp) Xit task list Brings up Xits task list. (tasklist.bmp) Task list Brings up OS/2's task list. (taskos2.bmp) Open parent (folders only) Opens the parent folder of the current folder. (dotdot.bmp) Open parent and close (folders only) Opens the parent folder of the current folder and closes the current folder. (dotclose.bmp) Folder popup menu Pops up a folder menu when the current active window is a folder. You can edit the contents of this menu with Popup menu options. (menufldr.bmp) Arrange (folders only) Arranges the current folder window. (arrange.bmp) Refresh now (folders only) Refreshes the current folder window. (refresh.bmp) Sort by name (folders only) Sorts the current folder window by name. (sort.bmp) Sort by real name (folders only) Sorts the current folder window by the actual filename. (sortreal.bmp) Sort by size (folders only) Sorts the current folder window by size of file. (sortsize.bmp) Sort by write date (folders only) Sorts the current folder window by the last time the file was written to. (sortdate.bmp) Sort by access date (folders only) Sorts the current folder window by the last time the file was accessed. (sortacce.bmp) Sort by creation date (folders only) Sorts the current folder window by the creation date of the file. (sortcrea.bmp) Help - extended Displays the extended help for this window, if any. (help.bmp) Help - keys Displays the keys help for this window, if any. (helpkeys.bmp) Help - index Displays the help index for this window, if any. (helpidx.bmp) Next window Brings the next visible window into the foreground. Windows that are minimized/hidden or that do not have Xit buttons visible are bypassed. If this is assigned to a mouse button, it will only function if the mouse cursor is over the current active window. (nextwin.bmp) Previous window Brings the previous visible window into the foreground. If this is assigned to a mouse button, it will only function if the mouse cursor is over the current active window. (prevwin.bmp) Roll up/down window Causes the client window to rollup or down, with just the titlebar and system menu remaining. This allows you to view windows under the client area. Easier to use than the Minimize/Restore combination. WARNING: Rollup may not work with some programs that restrict a minimum size of the client area. If the rollup button is covered accidently when selected, you can restore the window by moving the mouse to the bottom edge of the window and drag the window border back down. (rollup.bmp) Move window Allows the window to be moved by moving the mouse or using the cursor keys. (move.bmp) Size window Allows the window to be sized by moving the mouse or using the cursor keys. (size.bmp) Show Launch Pad Brings the OS/2 Launch Pad to the foreground, if loaded. (lanchpad.bmp) User command Allows the user to execute any OS/2 or DOS command. Used in conjunction with the "User Command" entry field. (user1.bmp - user10.bmp) Edit popup menu Pops up an edit menu when the current active window over the mouse pointer contains text that can be copied or pasted. When using the edit popup menu, the Clear, Cut, Copy All and Paste options will only appear if the mouse pointer is over a PM entry field. Otherwise, just the Copy option will appear in PM windows. For command line windows, Clear and Cut are not available. You can edit the contents of this menu with Popup menu options. (menuedit.bmp) Clear or Delete Deletes the currently selected text from a PM entry field. Does not use the clipboard. (clear.bmp) Cut to clipboard Cuts the currently selected text from a PM entry field into the clipboard. Same as copying the text to the clipboard, then deleting the text. (cut.bmp) Mark+Copy to clipboard This action works in 3 different ways. If used in a DOS or OS/2 command line window, it begins the "Mark text" function. You can now use the primary mouse button (left) to select the text. After the text is selected, press the "Mark+Copy" button again to copy the selected text into the clipboard. If used in a PM window, and the mouse pointer is over an entry field or multi-line edit field, this function will copy the currently highlighted text (i.e. you must mark the text first, by dragging the mouse over the text). If used in a PM window and the mouse pointer is not in an entry field, but is over text that can be copied (such static text in a dialog box or the text on a button or the text in the titlebar), this action will copy the entire text into the clipboard. This is useful for copying email or addresses out of an 'About' dialog box. (copy.bmp) Copy All to clipboard Copies the entire window (DOS or OS/2 command line windows only) or the entire entry field (PM windows) into the clipboard. (copyall.bmp) Paste from clipboard Pastes the clipboard contents into the DOS or OS/2 command line window or the active entry field in a PM window. To avoid the trailing new line that OS/2 inserts after the last character is pasted, hold down the shift key (this applies to command line windows only). (paste.bmp) Font Size (Dos/OS2 Window) Brings up the Font Size dialog, allowing you to change the size of the displayed font. (font.bmp) Full Screen (Dos Window) Changes the current DOS command line window to a full screen session. Not available on OS/2 command line windows. (fullscrn.bmp) Mouse button double click (mouse/key only) Executes the mouse double click and sends it to the window currently under the mouse pointer. To send shift+double click, assign this action to shift+mouse button (ditto for ctrl and alt). Maximize window (mouse/key only) Maximizes the window that is active or currently under the mouse. Minimize window (mouse/key only) Minimizes the window that is active or currently under the mouse. Hide window (mouse/key only) Hides the window that is active or currently under the mouse. Restore window (mouse/key only) Restores the window that is active or under the mouse. System menu (mouse/key only) Displays the system menu for the active window. ═══ 3.10. Changing the Buttons Bitmaps ═══ If you prefer to display a different bitmap on one or more of the Xit buttons, you will need to edit the appropriate bitmap file. First determine the filename of the bitmap that you wish to modify. Filenames for screen resolutions of 800x600 or less are listed next to the bitmaps, which are shown in the Actions List. For resolutions above 800x600, append the number '1' to the filename if it is less than 8 characters long, or replace the last character with '1' if 8 characters long. For example, to change the 'Close window' action, you will need the CLOSE.BMP file if your screen resolution is 800x600 or less. If above 800x600, your will need the CLOSE1.BMP file. For the 'Sort by date' bitmap, use either SORTDATE.BMP or SORTDAT1.BMP. The next step is to unzip the bitmap file from BITMAPS.ZIP. For example: unzip BITMAPS.ZIP CLOSE.BMP You can then edit this file using the OS/2 bitmap editor (\OS2\ICONEDIT.EXE). From the OS/2 command line type: iconedit close.bmp or from the Desktop, open OS/2 System -> Productivity and double click on 'Icon Editor'. The CLOSE.BMP file can then be loaded from the File -> Open dialog. When editing the bitmaps, you can make them any width, but the height must be either 16 pels (pixels) if your screen resolution is 800x600 or less, or a height of 20 pels for resolutions above 800x600. If you are not sure of your screen resolution, load the Xit titlebar options dialog and look in the top left corner. The current resolution is displayed after the words 'Titlebar buttons'. After you have made changes to the bitmap, save and overwrite the original filename. The next time Xit is loaded or enabled, it will load the CLOSE.BMP file, instead of using the default. Repeat the above instructions for any other bitmap that you wish to change. Xit will first check for the existence of a button bitmap file in its home directory, and will load it if found. If not found (eg. either CLOSE.BMP or CLOSE1.BMP), the default bitmap is used. The default bitmaps are stored in the XITBMP.DLL file for screen resolutions 800x600 or less, and in XITBMP1.DLL for above 800x600. If you do not want to change any of the defaults, you can delete the BITMAPS.ZIP file - it is not required for Xit. Also, you can delete the XITBMP1.DLL file if you only use a screen resolution of 800x600 or less. Or delete the XITBMP.DLL file if you only use above 800x600. You can use just one of the two .DLL files for both resolutions, but the bitmaps will appear either stretched (XITBMP.DLL and above 800x600) or squashed (XITBMP1.DLL and 800x600 or lower). Button Bitmap Contest Don't like the default set of bitmaps? Create your own in both 16x16 and 20x20 sizes, and submit them to CodeSmith. The best bitmaps will be included in the next release of Xit, along with your credits (or anonymous, if you prefer). ═══ 4. Registration ═══ To order Xit, phone these numbers in North America. o 800-414-4268 (Orders only) 8am-7pm EST (-5 GMT) o 910-791-7052 (Orders/Order Inquires) 8am-7pm EST o 604-267-3214 (Corporate Sales) 9am-5pm PST (-8 GMT) Xit is shareware. You may use it for a 45 day trial period, after which you must purchase it. Buying the product will provide you with a registration number that will: o Remove all dialogs referring to registration. The registration number will be valid for all future minor releases (eg. 2.1 -> 2.2 -> 2.9). o Allow you to upgrade to future major releases at a reduced cost. (eg. 2.1 -> 3.0) o Provide you with technical support via email or regular mail. Phone support is available for corporate accounts. The cost of Xit is 15 Canadian dollars or 15 US dollars. Orders can be placed with BMT Micro or with CodeSmith. BMT Micro accepts US dollar purchases by Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, Diner's Club, Eurocard, Optima, money order, cashiers checks, personal checks, and DM or British currency via registered mail. CodeSmith accepts money order, check or cash, in US or Canadian funds. Make checks payable to BMT Micro if ordering from BMT Micro, or payable to CodeSmith Software if ordering from CodeSmith. For bulk or site licenses (over 9 copies), or Team OS/2 and educational discounts, please contact CodeSmith directly for orders. If you order from BMT Micro, that name will appear on any credit card billing slips. Click here for BMT Micro Order Form Click here for CodeSmith Order Form Refer to the order forms for address and phone info. Please include an email address, if possible, with your order. This will allow you to receive your registration number as quickly as possible. For CodeSmith's contact information, click here. Once you have a registration code, click here for more info. ═══ 4.1. Xit Order Form for BMT Micro (2.2) ═══ Name: ____________________________________________________________ Company: ____________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ City: _______________________ State/Province: __________________ Country: ____________________________ Postal Code: __________________ Phone: ____________________________________________________________ Fax: ____________________________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________________________________ Product Price Quantity Total -------- ------- ---------- ------- _Xit for OS/2___________________ _$15.00__ x ________ = $____.___ North Carolina residents, please add 6% sales tax: +$____.___ Shipping (check one): ___ Email (subject to credit card verification) Free ___ Fax (USA / Canada) Free ___ Fax (Non-North America) $___2.00_ ___ 1st Class mail............................. Free ___ Airborne (Next day most places, USA Only).. +$___7.00_ ___ Federal Express (USA Only)................. +$__13.00_ ___ Federal Express (Canada/Mexico)............ +$__30.00_ ___ Federal Express (Europe/Japan)............. +$__30.00_ ___ USPS Express (Outside USA)................. +$__20.00_ Total: $____.___ For credit card payment only: Circle one: VISA/Mastercard/Discover/AMEX/Diner's/Optima/Eurocard Credit card number: _____________________________________________ Expiration date: ___/___ Authorization signature: _____________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mail Orders (make checks payable to BMT Micro): BMT Micro PO Box 15016 Wilmington, NC 28408 U.S.A. Voice Orders: 8:00am - 7:00pm EST (-5 GMT) (800) 414-4268 (Orders only) (910) 791-7052 (Orders / Order Inquires) Fax Orders: (910) 350-2937 24 hours, 7 days a week Online Orders via BBS: (910) 350-8061 10 lines, all 14.4K (910) 799-0923 28.8k v.FC via Compuserve: 74031,307 via Internet: orders@bmt.wilmington.net via AOL: bmtmicro ═══ 4.2. Xit Order Form for CodeSmith Software (2.2) ═══ Name _________________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Phone _______________________________ Fax _____________________________ Email (please print clearly) ____________________________________________ Ship registration code to (check one) ____Email ____Regular mail Need a copy of Xit on 3.5" diskette? ____Yes ____No, already have copy Where did you find Xit __________________________________________________ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - __________ Xit registration fee $15.00 x _________ copies __________ 7% PST ($1.05 per copy, British Columbia residents only) __________ Total enclosed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mail registration fee (check or money order drawn on Canadian or US bank, payable to CodeSmith Software) and this form to: Registration, CodeSmith Software, Box 39167, 3695 W. 10th Ave., Vancouver, BC, CANADA, V6R 1G0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Comments or Suggestions: ═══ 4.3. How to Register ═══ To register this product, you must first obtain a registration number. For info on this, click here for obtaining a number. Once you have the registration number, load Xit (if not already loaded) and select the 'About' button, then the 'Registration' button. A dialog window will appear. Enter your name in the first field, then enter the registration number EXACTLY as shown in the registration letter you received. Press 'OK'. The product is now registered. ═══ 5. Technical Support and Updates ═══ Technical support is provided for all registered users via email or regular mail. Phone support is available for corporate accounts at 604-267-3214 from 9am-5pm PST (-8 GMT). If you are currently evaluating the product and encounter a problem or have any questions, do not hesitate to contact CodeSmith. Do not contact BMT Micro for support unless you have an order enquiry. Mail address is: CodeSmith Software Box 39167, 3695 West 10th Ave. Vancouver, BC, CANADA, V6R 1G0 Email address is: Via Internet, AOL, BIX mshill@axionet.com Via Compuserve TO:internet:mshill@axionet.com Via MCI EMS:INTERNET MBX:mshill@axionet.com Via GEnie mshill.axionet.com@inet# Via Delphi TO:internet"mshill@axionet.com" Latest versions of CodeSmith's products can be found on the internet at: BMT Micro (web) http://www.wilmington.net/bmtmicro BMT Micro (ftp) ftp:wilmington.net /bmtmicro Hobbes (ftp) hobbes.nmsu.edu /wpsutil or /incoming Hobbes (ftp via web) ftp://hobbes.nmsu.edu Walnut Creek (ftp) ftp-os2.cdrom.com David Barnes (web) http://www.os2bbs.com/david_barnes/ Gary Hammers Must Have Utilites (web) http://www.teamos2.org/musthave If you do not have internet access, try this Canadian BBS: Brad and Mike's OS/2 BBS: 604-540-9071 ═══ 6. CodeSmith Products ═══ MATRIX Matrix is an OS/2 PM strategy shareware game. The game is easy to learn - like Tetris - but requires some brains - like Go. Matrix uses a set of coloured tiles, where each player attempts to score by matching tile colours. The game is played with two players, with the opponent being either computer (different levels) or human. To appeal to as many players as possible, the game is fully configurable. Board configuration includes size of board and the background displayed - either a selected colour or any bitmap. The shape and colour of the playing tiles can also be selected, making the game suitable for users with monochrome screens or those that have trouble distinguishing shapes or colours. Matrix is simple to install, and fully functional even if unregistered. The game can be played in any window size, at any video resolution. "Don't blame me for the time you loose on this Tetris like game!" - David Barnes, IBM Senior Product Manager for PSP "..it looks very very good! A game similiar to Tetris and just as addicting!" - Alex Bradley, Editor of OS/2 Game Review "This puppy can be quite addicting. I had a lot of fun playing around with it last night! I definitely like the customizing features, especially being able to load alternate bitmaps for the background." - PCA Dave, American Online sysop System Requirements for Matrix are: OS/2 2.0 or later, 220K of free disk space, 16 MHz 386 or better, any video resolution mode. Matrix registration cost is only $12 US and the game is available at most of the sites listed in the Technical Support section. The filename is MATRIXnn.ZIP, where nn is the version number. ═══ 7. Credits ═══ CodeSmith would like to thank the following for their input into Xit. Peter Fitzsimmons PM Guru. Achim Wilhelm German translator. jimmy@husky.camelot.de Achim Wilhelm @ M4 Achim Wilhelm @ 2:2480/13.42 100713,1453 Marcus de Geus Dutch translator. 72124.2221@compuserve.com Fernando Cassia Spanish translator. fcassia@apinep.edu.ar Martin Lafaix French translator. lafaix@ibm.net Satoru Tagaya Japanese translator. satorut5@mbox.kyoto-inet.or.jp Per Wille Danish translator wille@night.ping.dk wille@imada.ou.dk Fidonet: 2:237/39 Chris Hayashida Bitmap artist. All the beta testers, who have to put up with buggy code so you don't have to. Michael Shillingford is responsible for all the rest, except where noted in the DISCLAIMER section in the readme.xit file.